Redhead Music Online
"We loved it!" - Sharron Wilson (not related to Sheila!)

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A Guide Book

Primary School Musicals & how to survive them!

Sheila's fun and helpful new book for teachers is NOW IN STOCK!


Kazoos need never drop to the stage again ... these stylish purple and red kazoos from Redhead Music come threaded with red cotton bands so your kazoo-band can wear them. Brilliant! We are now selling Kazoos, available to order with any musical. Or separately! Brilliant!


Easter Praise is now available as a free downloadable Welsh translation. Press here for details. Do you know any teachers in Korea? Three of Sheila's musicals have now been published there...
Contact us for details.

Licensing Information

As with all musical performances, licences are required to perform musicals, which can be bought from the publishers.

Instant licences are available for most of our musicals. Please visit the page of the relevant musical and select an Instant Single or Instant Multi licence.

If instant licences are not listed because it’s a different publisher, or if your performance is for more than 200 people, or if your performance is not in a school or church, or if it’s for broadcast on any social or public media, please contact us for further information. Please also feel free to contact us for any advice regarding licensing. Thank you.

Making Copies of your Production

Permission is given to reproduce copies of recordings of your production, at a price of £2 per copy made (DVD, CD, video, etc.). Each should include the name of the musical, composer, and our website ( ). Please let us know how many copies were made altogether, once you know, and we will raise the invoice retrospectively. Remember to include the £2 in your calculations for each when working out your costings. Do contact us at if you would like any further information or help.

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