Redhead Music Online
"Lovely, lovely music! Great for the kids!" - J McLarry

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A Guide Book

Primary School Musicals & how to survive them!

Sheila's fun and helpful new book for teachers is NOW IN STOCK!


Kazoos need never drop to the stage again ... these stylish purple and red kazoos from Redhead Music come threaded with red cotton bands so your kazoo-band can wear them. Brilliant! We are now selling Kazoos, available to order with any musical. Or separately! Brilliant!


Easter Praise is now available as a free downloadable Welsh translation. Press here for details. Do you know any teachers in Korea? Three of Sheila's musicals have now been published there...
Contact us for details.

Sheik, Rattle and Roll!

Items to buy



SR1 (Music Book and CD)

Contains Sheet Music and Vocals


SR3 (Wordbook)

Lyrics and Narration


SR4 (Schoolpack)

Both items above,


Other items you might like

CL4 - Claves

Four pairs of redwood Claves


KK12 - Kazoos

Bag of 12 Kazoos and lanyards


SB4 - Sleigh-bells

Pack of 4 sleigh-bells


SWB1 - Primary School Musicals
(and how to survive them!)

Do school productions cause you nightmares? Sheila Wilson's new book is full of witty and practical advice to help you through it! Includes a time-line!





The Songs


There's No Room

Inkeepers, All Sing

Let There Be Peace On Earth

Boys, Girls (Two Parts)

Sheik and Rattle and Roll!

All Sing

Sleep Little One

Mary, Angels, All Sing

Following Your Star

All (Two Parts)

We Bring Gold

Wise Men, All Sing

I'd Rather Follow You

Solo Sheik, Wise Men Trio, All Sing


Medley: Songs 2, 6, 5, 3

Sheik, Rattle and Roll are the three wise men, and the stars, in this popular adaptation of the traditional nativity story. The dialogue and narration are simple, although permission is given to increase them to suit your cast's abilities. The eight songs are varied in style and include two-part singing, a lullaby, a ballad, hand-jives, and (as you'd expect from the title) some rock and roll!

There are 15-20 speaking parts with extra roles for soldiers, angels, etc. Sheik, Rattle and Roll is easy to stage but makes an impressive and entertaining original Nativity production, including the 'ahh' factor at the end.

"We had to drop you a line straight away to say how brilliant Sheik, Rattle and Roll! is!" - M Dumrill, Wakefield


Keystages: KS2 & KS3

Duration: approx 30 mins

Year: 2000

Composer: Sheila Wilson

Publisher: Contact us for more info


Guidebook Do school productions cause you nightmares? Sheila Wilson's new book is full of witty and practical advice to help you through it! Includes a time-line!

Kazoos need never drop to the stage again ... these stylish purple and red kazoos from Redhead Music come threaded with red cotton bands so your kazoo-band can wear them. Brilliant!

Claves Our natural redwood claves are smooth to hold, easy to play and produce a lovely resonant sound. A pack of four pairs adds a great sound to your performances.

Sleighbells Our lightweight small jingle sticks have smooth wooden handles and 13 little chrome bells. Lovely!. NB: These are not toys... Please use with supervision, as they have small parts.

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